Iracab Logo

Application for Accreditation / Reaccreditation of Certification Body

IRACAB Competence Criteria for Auditors and Experts

IRACAB Code of Ethics

Rights and Obligations of the IRACAB Affiliates

Terms and Conditions of IRACAB Accreditation

Conditions for Use of the Accreditation Logo

 Appeals, Claims and Complaints against IRACAB


Other Claims and Complaints:

  • Claims and complaints against Auditors and Technical Experts
  • Claims and complaints against Certification Bodies
  • Claims and complaints against Certified Entities


Claim / complaint fees:

300,- EUR – shall be paid on the submission of the claim /complaint via the web link or according to the instructions sent the claimer /complainant by IRACAB; this fee is not refundable;

500,- EUR deposit – shall be paid after submission of the claim /complaint via the web link or according to the instructions sent the claimer /complainant by IRACAB, and shall be turned back to the claimer /complainant if the claim /complaint shall be proved legitimate.